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Tax optimization

Trust an expert in Transport Human Resources

In partnership with STS, specialist in the management of time and activities and the payroll transport of companies or transport services, we offer a social management expertise combined with high reactivity..

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Save on your payroll taxes


For more than 15 years, STS has been a specialist in Time & Activity Management as well as Payroll Transport for Business or Transport Services. STS covers all the needs of social management, from the collection of conductive and sedentary data to social reporting and the preventive management of offenses, including data processing and analysis and payroll.

Ecotrans has teamed up with STS to offer you an adapted and quality service, answering your every need taking into account the new regulations: social diagnosis, salary management, control of working time, reporting tools ...

Social benefits
for SMEs

Smile and commitment: WiiSmile rolls for transporters

We all see a shortage of drivers and logistics staff. This results in over-solicitation of your teams and sometimes market renunciations.

In response, we partnered with a company that has created an innovative, flexible and small business-friendly solution. We invite you to exchange with them.
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A simple and innovative solution to improve employee engagement, retain talent and attract new ones


WiiSmile is the universal advantage of SMEs, which allows to offer the best gift vouchers, vacations and even home and personal services. A very simple, innovative service, all in one, which respects the tolerances of the URSSAF and creates no social charge.

With Wiismile, you allow your employees to access the same benefits as those offered to employees of large companies, at lower cost.

How does it work?

Nothing easier: being Ecotrans member, you are automatically registered with the STS and WiiSmile company as a beneficiary of preferential rates.

Need more information?

Fiscal & Social

Road professionals, coach operators, transporters, truck drivers...
The Ecotrans team is at your disposal to answer your questions.

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E-mail Phone

Park Nord, Les Péiades - 14C
ZA de la Bouvarde
74 370 - METZ-TESSY

Tél : 04 50 33 39 99

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